This year, Pieter de Vlaam from Gunnebo was honored with the ESSA International Leadership Award.
ESSA International Leadership Award 2018
Frankfurt/M. – November
2018. The ESSA International Leadership Award, which was introduced for the
first time last year, was once again awarded to an important person in the
international security industry this year. The award honors people, who have
made a special contribution to the continuous development of the industry due
to their extraordinary commitment.
This year, Pieter de Vlaam from Gunnebo was honored with the award.
"Pieter de Vlaam has dedicated his entire career to the industry. He is
one of those rare people whose dedication and motivation have really made a
difference in our field. Above all, his analytical way of dealing with
difficult topics with little emotion and full of confidence is
impressive.", says Wolfgang Bruna (Wertheim Betriebsberatungs GmbH) in his
laudatory speech. Pieter de Vlaam shaped the industry mainly through his
extraordinary commitment to standardization. Since the beginning of the 1990s
he took over the management of ad-hoc group tools. Furthermore, since 2003 he
has been the convener of Working Group 2 for "Fire Resistance". In
this capacity, he quickly introduced the standard for light fire storage
cabinets. In addition to these positions, he also heads the Certification Board
of the European Certification Body since 2016. "We are very pleased that
the award is so well received by all our member companies. We are already
looking forward to the submissions for next year.", states Dr. Markus
Heering, Managing Director of ESSA.
The next ESSA International Leadership Award will be presented at the next ESSA General Assembly on the 13th and 14th of November 2019.
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As of: 20th of November 2018