Our website comes in a new, more navigable design and offers all interested parties extensive information
New Design for our Homepage
User-friendly interface in responsive design
Frankfurt/M. – January 2018. We are pleased to present you our updated
homepage under the familiar address www.ecb-s.com. Our website comes in a new,
more navigable design and offers all interested parties, customers, partners
and members extensive information.
The redesigned website will continue to provide information on security
products, resistance levels, areas of application, insurance amounts and
manufacturers. As before, our focus lays on the simple user interface, which
gives you a quick and uncomplicated impression of our entire range of services.
The most important topics are presented on the respective, separate
homepages of the European Security Systems Association (ESSA) and the European
Certification Body GmbH (ECB). Between the two websites you can now easily
switch back and forth via the left header navigation. In the news ticker above the
navigation, you will be able to immediately see what the industry is currently
up to and which topics are up to date. By clicking on the banner, the desired
article opens effortlessly.
Since every area of our homepage offers many facets of its own, we have
divided them again for better orientation. Simply hover over the navigation and
get an overview of our numerous categories and subtopics.
In addition to a modern design, the adaptation of the content to the
needs of our target groups was the main focus of the redesign. Thanks to our
new responsive design, the user experience is now also possible on the go on
all mobile devices. Above all, the presentation for smartphones and tablet
computers is adapted because they require a special arrangement and display of
individual elements.
You are welcome to send us suggestions for improvement, we are pleased
about praise and criticism and wish you a lot of fun on our new homepage!
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As of: 30 January 2018